Our achievements

Our achievements

Achievements in the development of science and practice of metallurgy have been highly esteemed at the foreign symposiums and conferences (USA, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, England, China, Spain, Korea, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Japan, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Russia)

For the contribution in the development of the science of metallurgy and industry, the scientists of the Institute of Metallurgy and Ore Beneficiation have been highly esteemed and prestigiously rewarded with the USSR State Award in the field of science and technology:

  • KIVCET method of copper-zinc concentrates smelting has been developed and introduced at the Irtysh polymetallic complex jointly with the All-union scientific research institute of non-ferrous metals;
  • 1947 – Cand. Of Chemistry O.A. Suvorov for the development and implementation of a rhenium extracting method from the dust of roasting substandard copper-molybdenum concentrates;
  • 1971 - junior research scientist V.P. Ovcharenko for the development and implementation in the lead industry of fundamentally new technology for the extraction of precious metals with the use of electrothermy;
  • 1978 - Doctor of Engineering A.M. Kunayev, Doctor of Engineering C.M. Kozhakhmetov, Cand. of Engineering S.I. Omarov for the development and introduction of the original KIVCET technology of copper, lead and zinc production;
  • 1978 - Doctor of Engineering A.I. Zazubin and Cand. of Engineering Y.L. Shalavin for the development and implementation of the gallam method of metallic gallium producing;
  • 1980 - Associate Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR L.P. Nee for the creation and industrial development of a new method of low-quality bauxite processing;
  • 1984 - Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR A.M. Kunayev for the creation and implementation of the technology of phosphorous iron ore raw materials processing into the metallurgy industry;
  • 1985 - Cand. of Engineering V.S. Yesyutin for the development and implementation of equipment and technology for the complex processing of tin-containing raw materials;
  • 1988 - Doctor of Engineering N.A. Baitenyev and Dr.of Eng. V.A. Kozlov for the development and implementation of resource-saving technological processes for the titanium production.
  • Rewarded with the Kazakh SSR State Award in the field of science and technology:

  • 1972 - Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR A.M. Kunayev, Cand. of Eng. Polyvyanny, Cand. of Eng. R.S. Demchenko for the development and introduction of fundamentally new electrothermal methods of metallurgical industrial products processing;
  • 1982 - Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR A.M. Kunayev, Cand. of Eng. B.B. Beisembayev, Cand. of Eng. B.L. Levintov, Cand. of Eng. Yu.I. Sukharnikov for the achievements in the field of complex processing of rare-metal phosphate-siliceous raw materials of Kazakhstan;
  • 2001 - Doctor of Engineering, Professor V.A. Kozlov for the development of the Kazakhstani raw material base of titanium, the development, and implementation of knowledge-intensive technological processes of titanium and vanadium production at UKTMC JSC.
  • For the following achievements in the scientific field:

  • 1954 - At the session of the General Meeting of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, Professor V.I. Smirnov was elected a full Member, and Professor Zeft A.L. and Stender V.V. - Associate Members of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR;
  • 1958 - At the session of the General Meeting of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, A.L. Zeft was elected a full Member, and Ponomarev V.D. - Associate Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR;
  • 1970. At the session of the General Meeting of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR Kunayev A.M. was elected an Associate Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR;
  • 1970 - Doctor of Engineering Presnyakov A.A. is awarded USSR State Prize for the creation and industrial development of the first complex-automated shop for continuous casting of oxygen-free copper ingots in the metallurgical industry;
  • 1971 - Doctor of Engineering Onayev I.A. and Nee L.P. were awarded honorary titles of Honored Scientists of the Kazakh SSR;
  • 1972 - At the session of the General Meeting of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR Kunayev A.M. was elected Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, Onayev I.A., and Zubakov S.M. - Associate Members of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR;
  • 1972 - Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR Kunayev A.M. was elected the Vice-President of the Kazakh SSR Academy of Sciences;
  • 1974 - Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR Kunayev A.M. was elected the president of the Kazakh SSR Academy of Sciences and an Associate Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR;
  • 1975 - At the session of the General Meeting of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, Dr. of Eng. Nee L.P. and Ponomareva Y.I. were elected Associate Members of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR;
  • 1976 - Associate Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR Ponomareva Y.I. was awarded the honorary title “Honored Worker of Science of the Kazakh SSR”;
  • 1977 - Associate Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences A.M. Kunayev and the Dr. of Eng. Isakova R.A. was awarded the honorary title “Honored Worker of Science of the Kazakh SSR”;
  • 1979 - At the session of the General Meeting of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, Dr. of Eng. Kozhakhmetov S.M., Isakova R.A., and Ayapov U.A. were elected Associate Members of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR;
  • 1981 - the Institute is awarded the Red Labor Banner Order, Associate Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR A.M. Kunayev was elected the Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The Institute employees Almagambetov B.N., Kenzhaliyev B.K., and Tynybekov M.I. were awarded the Leninist Komsomol of Kazakhstan in the field of science for finding new ways to expand the raw material base of the non-ferrous metallurgy of Kazakhstan;
  • 1983 - At the session of the General Meeting of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, Associate Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR Kozhakhmetov S.M. was elected a Member of the Academy and Zazubin A.I. - Associate Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR;
  • 1984 - Associate Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR Ponomareva Y.I. the Prize of the USSR Council of Ministers is awarded for the creation and introduction of the technology for extracting rhenium from lead dust;
  • 1988 - At the session of the General Meeting of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, Dr. of Eng. Beisembayev B.B. was elected an Associate Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR;
  • 1994 - At the session of the General Meeting of the NAS of RK, Associate Member of the NAS of RK Nee L.P. was elected the Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan;
  • 1995 – Award in the name of D.A. Kunayev for the young scientists was awarded to E.I. Dzhantureyeva;
  • 2000 - Award in the name of D.A. Kunayev for the young scientists was awarded to A.S. Omarova;
  • 2004 - Award in the name of D.A. Kunayev for the young scientists was awarded to E.B. Kenzhaliyev;
  • 2007 - Award in the name of D.A. Kunayev for the young scientists was awarded to S.А. Trebukhov;
  • 2009 - The National Scientific Laboratory was established at the institute in the priority direction “Hydrocarbon and Mining and Metallurgical Sectors Technologies and Related Service Industries”;
  • 2012 - Award in the name of K.I. Satpayev for the best scientific research in the field of natural sciences to Dr. of Eng. Z.S. Abisheva, Dr. of Eng. Zagorodnyaya A.N., Can. of Eng. Sadykhanova S.E. and A.S. Sharipova.
  • 2013 - At the session of the General Meeting of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Dr. of Eng. Z.S. Abisheva was elected an Associate Member of the NAS RK;
  • 2013 – the scientists of the Institute were awarded:

    Zagorodnyaya A.N. - a badge of the MES RK “merits in the development of RK science”, Khrapunov V.Y., Kozhakhmetov S.M., Kvyatkovsky S.A., Abdulvaliyev R.A.
  • 2014. The scientists of the Institute Isakova R.A., Tusupbayev N.T., Panichkin A.V. were awarded.
  • 2016 - At the session of the General Meeting of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, Dr. of Eng. Z.S. Abisheva was elected as a full Member of the NAS RK;
  • 2017. Director of JSC "IMOB" Dr. of Eng. Kenzhaliyev B.K. has received the honorary title "Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan".

2019. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Kenzhaliyev B.K. was awarded the title of laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science and technology named after Al-Farabi.

2023. On August 28, 2023, at the production facilities of Kazakhmys Progress LLP in Balkhash, a unique workshop for the production of branded (refined) selenium with a content of at least 99.5% of the main component was opened. The reagent-free technology and environmentally friendly vacuum equipment were developed by scientists of Institute of Metallurgy and Beneficiation JSC of Satbayev University.

2023. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan S.M. Kozhakhmetov was awarded the Honorary title “Honored Worker of Kazakhstan” (“Қазақстанның еңбек сіңірген қайраткері”).

2023. Doctor of Technical Sciences Kenzhaliyev B.K. was awarded the Order "Parasat" for his contribution to the development of the spiritual and intellectual potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan.