Program-targeted financing for 2023 – 2025


«Creation new technological solutions for the complex processing of metallurgical raw materials under «Industry 4.0» and Digital Twin concept»

Project Manager: Kenzhaliyev B.K.

Relevance: Modern production requires innovative technological solutions that allow involving substandard ore and technogenic raw materials into processing while ensuring low consumption of energy and material resources, also to develop wear-resistant coatings with increased tribotechnical characteristics. Development of the program based on Digital Twin will allow to select the technological mode.

Project goal: Creation of new technological solutions for complex processing of complex metallurgical raw materials in accordance with the concept of "Industry 4.0" and Digital Twin to analyze the developed technologies for beneficiation, pyro- and hydrometallurgical processing of substandard raw materials with extraction of non-ferrous, noble and rare metals, obtaining new materials.

Objectives of the project include:

-development of a method intended to produce molten fluxes for their use in the conversion of rich copper matte;

-development of hydrometallurgical extraction technology for noble and non-ferrous metals from refractory technogenic raw materials with preliminary treatment by special methods; demercurization of spent coal sorbents of gold extraction enterprises of Kazakhstan before their combustion for extraction of noble metals;

-development of technology of complex processing of titanium-containing products to obtain titanium dioxide and iron oxide pigments and rare earth element (REE) concentrate; obtaining wear-resistant coatings of complex multilayer composition based on modified titanium nitride;

-development of an effective technology for enrichment of hard-to-enrich sulfide, copper-molybdenum ores with the use of mercaptan-containing collectors derived from domestic petroleum products.

-creation of application software products to analyze the developed technologies based on the Digital Twin concept.

Based on the research results, the following will be published:

-at least 8 (eight) articles and/or reviews in peer-reviewed scientific journals in the scientific area of the program that are in the 1 (first), 2 (second) and/or 3 (third) quartile by impact factor in the Web of Science database and/or have a CiteScore percentile of at least 50 (fifty) in the Scopus database;

-at least 12 (twelve) articles in journals recommended by the Science and Higher Education Quality Assurance Committee;

-at least 3 (three) monographs or manuals in foreign and (or) Kazakh publishing houses;

-not less than 5 (five) intellectual property objects registered with the National Institute of Intellectual Property of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Results achieved: Technological processing modes for processing technogenic gold-containing raw materials, copper-bearing ore and technogenic raw materials, industrial products of alumina production, phosphogypsum and substandard ilmenite, secondary magnesium-containing raw materials, producing castings from titanium alloys and high-alumina refractory products have been determined.

List of published works:

1 Kenzhaliev Bagdaulet, Akhmetova Kuralai, Gladyshev Sergei, Abikak Yerkezhan. Sorption extraction of gallium from alumina-alkaline solutions. Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals (Q2,60 %)

2 Kenzhaliyev B, Ketegenov T, Kamunur K, Batkal A, Nadirov R. Efficient Copper Recovery from Chalcopyrite Using an «Isopropanol–Sulfuric Acid–Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate» System. Minerals. 2023; 13(10):1346.

3 B.K. Kenzhaliev, A. A. Biryukova, T. D. Dzhienalyev, A.V. Panichkin, A.Т. Imbarova, A.М. Uskenbaeva. Аssessment of Microsilica as a Rau Material for Obtaining Mullite-silica Refractories // Processes, 2024. Том 12, Выпуск 1. (процентиль 66%).

4 Kenzhaliyev B, Ketegenov T, Mussapyrova L., Nadirov R. Ultrasound-Assisted Selective Leaching of Arsenic from Copper Smelting Flue Dust // Minerals 2024, 14(6), 532;

5 Volodin V, Kenzhaliyev B, Trebukhov S, Nitsenko A, Linnik X, Trebukhov A. On the Problem of the Distillation Separation of Secondary Alloys of Magnesium with Zinc and Magnesium with Cadmium. // Metals. 2024; 14(6):671.

6 Kenzhaliyev B.K., Koizhanova A.K., Atanova O.V., Magomedov D.R., Nurdin H. Research and development ofgold ore processing technology // Kompleksnoe Ispolzovanie Mineralnogo Syra = Complex Use of Mineral Resources. 2024; 329(2):63-72.

7 S.V. Gladyshev, B.K. Kenzhaliyev, L.M. Imangaliyeva, A.K. Kasymzhanova, A.I. Manapova. Production of gallium by electrolysis with the application of non-stationary currents. Engineering Journal of Satbayev University. Vol.145(2023), Issue 5, pp.18-24.

8 Патент на полезную модель № 8335 KZ. Печь для непрерывной плавки сульфидных материалов в жидкой ванне / Дюсебекова М.А., Кенжалиев Б.К., Кожахметов С.М., Квятковский С.А., Ситько Е.А., Семенова А.А. Бюл. №40; опубл. 06.10.2023

9 Заявка на полезную модель МПК С22B 34/12, С22B 1/16, С22B 3/04, Способ переработки некондиционного ильменита с повышенным содержанием хрома, авторы Кенжалиев Б. К., Ультаракова А.А., Садыков Н.М.-К., Тойшыбек А.М.

10 Заявка № 2023/0261.1 от 13.04.2023 Способ извлечения скандия из краcного шлама / Абикак Е.Б., Абдулвалиев Р.А., Кенжалиев Б.К., Гладышев С.В., Ахмадиева Н.К., Касымжанова А.К