«Improving the flotation technology for industry-related raw materials using ultramicroheterogeneous flotation reagents»
Project Manager: Barmenshinova M.B.
Relevance: The results obtained during the implementation of this project will allow the development of a technology of technogenic copper and gold-containing raw materials will improve the environmental situation, reduce the load on the environment and public health, will contribute to the preservation of natural resources through the comprehensive and maximum use of raw materials. In this regard, the development of methods that increase the efficiency of the use of flotation for additional recovery of valuable components from the enrichment waste of various raw materials is an urgent task.
Aim of the project: To develop a new class of ultramicroheterogeneous flotation reagents that increase the flotation activity of the ionogenic type collectors with the aim to recover finely-dispersed particles of precious components. Improving the flotation technology of technogenic copper - and gold-containing raw materials using ultramicroheterogeneous flotation reagents.
Expected results:
- a new class of ultramicroheterogeneous flotation reagents will be developed and its physicochemical and flotation characteristics will be investigated;
- the technology of flotation of technogenic copper and gold containing raw materials using ultramicroheterogeneous flotation reagents will be improved;
- initial data will be compiled for the process regulations regarding the benefication of industry-related copper and gold containing raw materials using ultramicroheterogeneous flotation reagents.
2 articles according to the project results will be published in peer-reviewed foreign scientific journals indexed by international databases of Web of Science, which are either 1 (first), 2 (second), or 3 (third) quartiles in the scientific field and (or) having a Cite Score percentile in the Scopus database of at least 35 (thirty-five) in the scientific field; 2 publications in peer-reviewed foreign and (or) domestic publications with non-zero impact factor (recommended by Committee for Quality Assurance in Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan); reports were presented at international conferences..
Achieved results: A new class of ultramicroheterogeneous flotation reagents has been developed and their physicochemical and flotation characteristics have been investigated.
The technology of flotation of technogenic copper and gold-bearing raw materials with the use of ultramicrohetergenic flotation reagents has been improved.
- Yessengaziyev A.M., Barmenshinova M. B., Bilyalova S. M., Mukhanova A. A., Mukhamedilova A. M. Issledovaniye ustoychivosti emul'sii ul'tramikrogeterogennykh flotoreagentov, poluchennoy metodom ul'trazvukovogo dispergirovaniya. Kompleksnoye ispol'zovaniye mineral'nogo syr'ya (Investigation of the stability of an emulsion of ultramicroheterogeneous flotation reagents obtained by the method of ultrasonic dispersion. Complex use of mineral raw materials). – 2020. - №3(314). – P.65-75. www.kims-imio.kz.
- Bilyalova S.M., Yessengaziyev A.M., Mukhanova A.A., Nurpeisova K.N., Mukataeva N.N. Izucheniye vliyaniye kontsentratsii i razmera dispersnoy fazy emul'sii na poverkhnostnuyu aktivnost' // Materialy XXVI natsional'noy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii «Nauchnyye osnovy i praktika pererabotki rud i tekhnogennogo syr'ya» (Study of the influence of the concentration and size of the dispersed phase of the emulsion on the surface activity // Materials of the XXVI national scientific and technical conference "Scientific foundations and practice of processing ores and technogenic raw materials") May 26-27., Yekaterinburg – 2021. P. 269-273.
3. Мukhanova A., Tussupbayev N., Turysbekov D., Yessengaziyev A. Improvement of the selection technology of copper-molybdenum concentrate with the use of modified flotoreagents. / Metalurgija. Croatia – 2022. Vol. 61, No. 1. – pp.221-224.
Composition of the project research team:
ORCID: 0000-0003-0534-2387
Scopus author ID: 57199326440
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=ru&user=vhozVu4AAAAJ
Web of science researcher ID: AAA-3383-2020
ORCID: 0000-0002-4989-4119
Scopus author ID: 57195072267
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=JzxNDJMAAAAJ&hl=ru
Web of science researcher ID: AAD-1708-2020
ORCID: 0000-0002-2130-683X
Scopus author ID: 24476385300
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=ru&user=-8uuPbcAAAAJ
Web of science researcher ID: AAD-3724-2020
ORCID: 0000-0002-3027-5246
Scopus author ID: 57211657901
Google scholar:
Web of science researcher ID: ABC-4016-2021
ORCID: 0000-0002-0124-8046
Scopus author ID: 57196276280
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=aobfWcEAAAAJ&hl=ru
h https://publons.com/researcher/3402402/ainur-mukhamedilova/
«Development of the technology for separation of copper telluride with the obtaining of elemental tellurium»
Project Manager: Nitcenko A.
Relevance: The developed new technology for obtaining of elemental tellurium of technical purity (99.3-99.9 % Te), and obtained new fundamental reference data and information will make it possible to organize the tellurium production from copper telluride at both copper processing enterprises of the Metallurgical Complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan and at foreign enterprises. Practical realization of the project recommendations will enable to increase the cost of the sold product twice fold (up to $ 50 / kg of tellurium versus $ 20-25 per kilogram of tellurium in middling products).
Aim of the project: The project’s aim is development of an environmentally safe technology to produce of elemental tellurium of technical grade from middling products of affinage production of Kazakhmys Smelting LLP.
Expected results: As a result of the implementation of the project’s aim and its tasks, an ecologically safe technology for the copper telluride processing with the production of elemental tellurium of technical purity (99.3-99.9 % Te) will be developed. This technology consists in the oxidation-sublimation roasting of a tellurium-containing middling product at low pressure with obtaining of a product, containing tellurium dioxide, which then will subjected to either reducing melting on elemental tellurium, or electrolytic extraction of the element.
Under the results obtained, 2 articles will be published in peer-reviewed foreign scientific journals, indexed by the international databases Web of Science, included either in 1 (first), or 2 (second), or 3 (third) quartiles by scientific direction and (or) having a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 35 (thirty-five) by scientific direction; 2 publications in peer-reviewed foreign and (or) domestic publications with a non-zero impact factor (recommended by Committee for Control of Education and Science); reports were made at international conferences.
An application for a scientific and (or) research competition to continue research in the chosen scientific direction will be submitted.
Achieved results: On the basis of the conducted literature review, a method for producing synthetic copper telluride was selected. A batch of synthetic copper telluride has been produced, its phase composition has been studied, and its thermal behavior in various gaseous media has been analyzed. A factory-made tellurium-containing middling product was purchased for further research on the project topic. For the first time, reference data on the thermal behavior of copper telluride at reduced pressure under oxidation conditions have been obtained.
Physicochemical studies of the composition and properties of technical copper telluride of Kazakhmys Smelting LLP were carried out, the influence of the main parameters and process conditions on the extraction of tellurium from middlings was determined. It is shown that the extraction of tellurium in the form of its oxides occurs as a result of the decomposition of Cu3TeO6. For the first time, technological tests have established a positive effect of an increase in the process temperature, a decrease in the residual pressure in the system and the air flow rate on the recovery rate of tellurium in the form of its oxides from tellurium-containing middlings. The principal possibility of extracting tellurium from stale material at reduced pressure in an inert atmosphere is shown for the first time.
1 Ниценко А. В., Бурабаева Н. М., Тулеутай Ф. Х., Сейсембаев Р. С., Линник К. А., Азлан М. Н. Изучение физико-химических свойств теллурсодержащего промпродукта // Комплексное использование минерального сырья. – 2020. – № 4. – С. 49-56. DOI: 10.31643/2020/6445.36.
2 Ниценко А. В., Линник К. А., Тулеутай Ф.Х., Бурабаева Н. М., Сейсембаев Р. С. Физико-химическая характеристика теллурсодержащего промпродукта ТОО «Казахмыс Смэлтинг» // Теория и технология металлургического производства – 2021. – No 3. – С. 10-16. (РИНЦ – 0,283).
Composition of the project research team:
ORCID: 0000-0001-6753-0936
SCOPUS: 57215857716
Google Scholar
Web of science: O-6379-2017
ORCID: 0000-0003-2183-2239
SCOPUS: 36162744500
Google Scholar
Web of science: N-9588-2017
ORCID: 0000-0002-0683-1409
SCOPUS: 57203801597
Google Scholar:
Web of science ID: W-7573-2018
ORCID: 0000-0002-9279-7111
SCOPUS: 57219902278
Google Scholar
Web of science: AAP-7834-2020
ORCID: 0000-0003-0802-283X
SCOPUS: 57345564800
«Development of high-efficiency extraction technology of gold from the micronized auriferous raw material with the use of innovative flotation equipment»
Project Manager: Toktar G.
In the process of grinding raw materials (for the purpose of disclosing crystals of a valuable mineral) a large number of particles are formed, the size of which is much less than 30 microns, which can not be captured by bubbles produced in industrial flotation machines, and a significant part of the valuable component is lost in the tailings of enrichment. One of the solutions to this problem can be the use of air bubbles in the flotation process, the size of which does not exceed 50 microns, which will make it possible to extract finely dispersed slime valuable minerals more fully. It is established that combined flotation, based on simultaneous use of both large air bubbles, usually generated in flotation machines, and microbubbles generated by an autonomous device in the form of a water-air microemulsion, allows achieving a significant increase in the efficiency of the process.
Goals resides in developing a highly efficient technology for extracting gold from finely dispersed gold-bearing resources in Kazakhstan using the pressure generator of pulp microaeration and a flotation machine with an electroflotation module in column-type installations.
Expected results. As a result of the research carried out, there will be:
- developed and manufactured a pressure generator for pulp microaeration; a study of the dressability of gold-bearing ores and industrial waste was carried out on a column flotation machine;
- large-scale laboratory tests of the pressure generator were carried out with the determination of the optimal parameters of the micro-aeration of the pulp; investigated the parameters of electro-flotation concentration of gold-bearing ores and industrial waste;
- laboratory tests of flotation of gold-bearing ore using a pressure generator in production conditions. Large-scale laboratory tests of the beneficiation of gold-bearing ores and tailings in a column flotation machine.
Based on the research results, 2 articles will be published in peer-reviewed foreign scientific journals, indexed by international databases Web of Science, included either in 1 (first), or 2 (second), or 3 (third) quartiles by scientific direction and (or) having a percentile according to the Cite Score in the Scopus database at least 35 (thirty five) in the scientific direction; 2 publications in peer-reviewed foreign and (or) domestic publications with a non-zero impact factor (recommended by Committee for Quality Assurance in Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan); reports were made at international conferences.
Achieved results.
The design of a pressure head generator for pulp microaeration has been completed; selection of reagents and process conditions for column flotation of gold-bearing ores and industrial waste was carried out. Large-scale laboratory tests of the pressure generator were carried out with the determination of the optimal parameters of the micro-aeration of the pulp. A technological scheme of enlarged laboratory tests of a pressure head generator of pulp microaeration has been drawn up.
1 Koizhanova A.K., Toktar G., Craig E.Banks, Magomedov D.R., Kubaizhanov A.A. Research of hydrometallurgical method of leaching gold from flotation tails with using bio-oxidation // Complex Use of Mineral Raw Materials. 2020.No. 3 (314), - S. 28-39.
https://doi.org/10.31643 / 2020 / 6445.24
2 Koyzhanova A.K., Kenzhaliev B.K., Magomedov D.R. Abdyldaev N.N. Development of a combined processing technology for low-sulfide gold-bearing ores. Obogashchenie Rud. - 2021. -No. 2. - S. 3-8. Scopus: SJR (2018) - 0.42; Q2. https://doi.org/10.17580/or.2021.02.01
3 Application for invention of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 2021 / 0189.1 dated 03.24.2021. Koyzhanova A.K., Kenzhaliev B.K., Magomedov D.R. Abdyldaev N. N. Bakraeva A.N. Method for extracting gold from gold-bearing mineral raw materials.
Composition of the project research team:
ORCID: 0000-0003-4110-9013
SCOPUS: 56479153600
ORCID: 0000-0001-8145-5741
SCOPUS: 57205164164
Google Scolar
ORCID: 0000-0001-7216-2349
SCOPUS: 55787675500
Google Scolar:
Web of science ID: AAD-3687-2020
ORCID: 0000-0001-9975-7174