Program-targeted financing for 2023 – 2024


Development of innovative non-waste technologies for processing mineral and technogenic materials of non-ferrous metallurgy of Kazakhstan and obtain new materials

Project Manager: Kenzhaliyev B.K.

Relevance: The project is aimed to solve the problem: It is necessary to develop new environmentally safe technologies to process the hard-to-enrich refractory ores and man-made waste to facilitate a more complete extraction of copper, gold, scandium, gallium, REM, titanium; and to create processes for producing new materials and products made of them in order to develop the industrial potential of the mining and metallurgical complex of the republic. The performers have a large number of developments of new scientific and technological solutions in similar areas. The main approaches used in the project are the development of technological solutions for the extraction of copper, gold, scandium, gallium, REM, titanium from low-quality mineral and man-made raw materials; development of basic technological parameters of processes; testing of developed technologies and issuing recommendations for their implementation. Relevance: The creation of new technologies for the processing of low-quality mineral and technogenic raw materials is an urgent task, which will improve the economical and environmental efficiency of using such raw materials for the production of copper, gold, scandium, gallium, REM and titanium. Involvement in industrial processing of low-quality mineral and man-made raw materials is possible when creating effective, economically and environmentally sound technologies for extracting copper, gold, scandium, gallium, REM, titanium, and magnesium from them. It also requires the creation of processes for the organization of domestic plants for the production of magnesium alloys from scrap, casting parts from titanium alloys using additive models and high-alumina refractory products, which will contribute to an increase in import substitution. Practical significance: The results of the project will contribute to increasing the growth in the production of non-ferrous, precious, rare and REM metals. Thus, technologies for processing sulfide copper concentrates will ensure the production of an additional 1250 tons of copper per year; technologies for processing wastes of alumina production will make it possible to additionally produce up to 50000 tons of aluminum oxide, 10 tons of scandium oxide and 20 tons of gallium annually; technologies for processing man-made waste from metallurgical and chemical industries will make it possible to obtain REM concentrate and titanium dioxide. The organization of obtaining magnesium alloys from scrap, castings from titanium alloys using additive models and high-alumina refractory products will help increase import substitution. The following enterprises are interested in obtaining the results of the program: JSC "Altyntau Kokshetau", LLP "Advance Mining Technology", LLP "Kazakhmys Smelting", Pavlodar aluminum plant, LLP "MC TMK".

Project goal: To develop а new technologies for processing difficult-to-enrich poor ores and man-made waste with the extraction of non-ferrous, noble, rare and rare earth metals with the issuance of initial data for the introduction and production of new materials.

Objectives of the project:

Task 1: To develop а new technological schemes for processing hard-to-enrich copper ores, man-made waste and obtaining new materials.

Task 2: To develop the main technological parameters for the processing of difficult-to-enrich poor ores, man-made waste and the production of new materials.

Task 3: To test the developed technologies for processing difficult-to-enrich poor ores, man-made waste and obtaining new materials with recommendations for implementation.

Expected results:

The following will be developed:

- technologies for extracting gold using ultrafine grinding and hydrometallurgical processing of concentrate using new catalyzing oxidants and technologies for extracting copper by hydrometallurgical methods using new catalyzing oxidants, initial data for the preparation of technological regulations for production. Improved technological schemes for the extraction of gold and copper, allowing to increase the extraction of valuable components by 1.5-2.0% compared to existing technologies;

- a comprehensive waste-free technology for processing sulfide copper concentrates with continuous deep depletion of slag and the use of the silicate part of the slag, initial data for implementation in production. The technology should make it possible to process concentrates with minimal losses of copper and precious metals and obtain slags with a residual copper content of less than 0.3%, which reduces the loss of copper with slags to 50%, and use the silicate part of the slags for the production of building materials;

- technologies of concentration and extraction of metallic gallium, scandium hydroxide and silicate products of a wide range from industrial products and waste of alumina production, initial data for technological regulations and production organization.

- the technology of complex processing of substandard raw materials and man-made waste to produce a concentrate of rare earth metals, titanium dioxide with a content of at least 90%, a method for sorption extraction of rare earth metals, initial data for implementation.

- the technology of vacuum distillation recycling of secondary light alloys with the removal of magnesium into a standard industrial product, which allows to obtain double magnesium-based alloys and eliminate the loss of rare earth and refractory elements.

- a method for manufacturing shaped castings from titanium alloys using burnable models obtained from photopolymers using additive technologies, and molds made of special heat-curing molding materials with an innovative composition.

- energy-efficient technology for producing high-alumina refractory products using man-made waste, obtaining a pilot batch of products, initial data for implementation.

- technologies of solvometallurgical processing of copper concentrates and technogenic copper-containing raw materials and conducting semi-industrial tests, initial data for implementation.

The finale result:

The developed technologies should contribute to a more complete extraction of the above-mentioned metals and reduce their losses, organize the production of new types of marketable products for Kazakhstan, improve the environmental performance of production. The developed technologies are focused on implementation in industrial conditions at processing plants and metallurgical enterprises of the republic.

List of published works:

1 Kenzhaliev Bagdaulet, Akhmetova Kuralai, Gladyshev Sergei, Abikak Yerkezhan. Sorption extraction of gallium from alumina-alkaline solutions. Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals (Q2,60 %)

2 Kenzhaliyev B, Ketegenov T, Kamunur K, Batkal A, Nadirov R. Efficient Copper Recovery from Chalcopyrite Using an «Isopropanol–Sulfuric Acid–Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate» System. Minerals. 2023; 13(10):1346.

3 B.K. Kenzhaliev, A. A. Biryukova, T. D. Dzhienalyev, A.V. Panichkin, A.Т. Imbarova, A.М. Uskenbaeva. Аssessment of Microsilica as a Rau Material for Obtaining Mullite-silica Refractories // Processes, 2024. Том 12, Выпуск 1. (процентиль 66%).

4 Kenzhaliyev B, Ketegenov T, Mussapyrova L., Nadirov R. Ultrasound-Assisted Selective Leaching of Arsenic from Copper Smelting Flue Dust // Minerals 2024, 14(6), 532;

5 Volodin V, Kenzhaliyev B, Trebukhov S, Nitsenko A, Linnik X, Trebukhov A. On the Problem of the Distillation Separation of Secondary Alloys of Magnesium with Zinc and Magnesium with Cadmium. // Metals. 2024; 14(6):671.

6 Kenzhaliyev B.K., Koizhanova A.K., Atanova O.V., Magomedov D.R., Nurdin H. Research and development ofgold ore processing technology // Kompleksnoe Ispolzovanie Mineralnogo Syra = Complex Use of Mineral Resources. 2024; 329(2):63-72.

7 S.V. Gladyshev, B.K. Kenzhaliyev, L.M. Imangaliyeva, A.K. Kasymzhanova, A.I. Manapova. Production of gallium by electrolysis with the application of non-stationary currents. Engineering Journal of Satbayev University. Vol.145(2023), Issue 5, pp.18-24.

8 Патент на полезную модель № 8335 KZ. Печь для непрерывной плавки сульфидных материалов в жидкой ванне / Дюсебекова М.А., Кенжалиев Б.К., Кожахметов С.М., Квятковский С.А., Ситько Е.А., Семенова А.А. Бюл. №40; опубл. 06.10.2023

9 Заявка на полезную модель МПК С22B 34/12, С22B 1/16, С22B 3/04, Способ переработки некондиционного ильменита с повышенным содержанием хрома, авторы Кенжалиев Б. К., Ультаракова А.А., Садыков Н.М.-К., Тойшыбек А.М.

10 Заявка № 2023/0261.1 от 13.04.2023 Способ извлечения скандия из краcного шлама / Абикак Е.Б., Абдулвалиев Р.А., Кенжалиев Б.К., Гладышев С.В., Ахмадиева Н.К., Касымжанова А.К